Heartland Pond Supply Services


What we have to offer

Our water feature and pond services include everything from installation to maintenance and upkeep. We offer the following services to help you maintain your pond or water feature year round:

  • Consultations and Design

  • Pond Cleanouts

  • Maintenance and Repair

  • Water Feature Building


Consultations and Designs



Whether you want to install a new water feature or need maintenance, we meet with you to come up with a plan. Consultations include:

  • Spring start-ups

  • Fall shut-downs

  • Regular maintenance plans, repairs, cleanouts, and advice

  • Pond Installations



With over 20 years of landscape design experience, and more than 15 in pond building, we can take an idea and turn it into a plan of how to create the right water feature for your yard.

Pond and Water Feature Cleanouts


Pond cleanouts

It’s especially important to have a pond clean-out performed each Spring. As leaves and other debris settle to the bottom of the pond, it can all build up to affect water clarity and create strong odors. That’s why we take great care in helping your pond looking great again.

We first drain the pond to make it easier to net any fish you may have. Then, we set them safely to the side in a separate water-filled container. We continue to pump out as much water as we can. From there we begin power washing the boulders, rock, and liner. If needed, we repeat this process. The water feature is then refilled and treated before we reintroduce fish.


Maintenance & Repair



Sometimes repairs are necessary when it comes to maintaining a pond. From leaks to line clogs, we can help you figure what the issue is.



If you are interested in a pond maintenance plan, we offer seasonal, monthly, and other options.


Pond Installation


Water Features for any yard

Whether the job is big enough to fill up a back yard, or small enough to fit in a corner of your property, we can help you install and build your water feature. Depending on your needs, we can consult with you on a design that fits your yard.


Contact Us


Let us know how we can help you